
Chuppahs of Melbourne offers brides and grooms stylish, hand crafted chuppahs for hire. We customise our chuppahs to suit the style and theme of your special day.


We work with a dedicated team who design, assemble, dress & dismantle Melbourne’s most beautiful chuppahs in hotels, outdoor venues, private homes, synagogues and marquees. In addition to hiring options, we can create a personalised chuppah to meet your individual requirements.


To ensure your chuppah is perfectly appointed, we offer various packages including aisle carpeting, seating, bedekin chair hire and accessories for under the chuppah. The chuppah accessories include mazal tov bags, selection of glasses for the groom to break, chuppah acrylic blocks and glass candle holders for the parents to hold under the chuppah.


Just as a Chuppah is open on all four sides, so was the tent of Abraham open for hospitality. The Chuppah represents hospitality to one’s guests. This “home” initially lacks furniture as a reminder that the basis of a Jewish home is the people within it, not the possessions. In a spiritual sense, the covering of the Chuppah represents the presence of G-d over the covenant of marriage.


The Chuppah itself symbolises the home that the couple will build together.

Historically the construction of a Chuppah was as simple as a Tallit (prayer shawl) spread over four poles, however in more modern times the Chuppah is a desirable object of art, which brides and grooms ornately decorate in celebration of their nuptials. The Chuppah is considered a basic requirement for a Jewish wedding to take place.

It is believed that when the bride and groom stand under the chuppah on their wedding day, they are especially close to G-d.

The chuppah represents a Jewish home symbolised by the cloth canopy and the four poles. As the kippah serves as a reminder of the Creator above all, as well as a symbol of separation from G-d, so the chuppah was erected to signify that the ceremony and institution of marriage has divine origins.